Backpack project

Backpack Description:

Finding Someplace was a story where this girl named Reesie has to go wait out a hurricane with her neighbor and she only has a limited amount of stuff that she can take. The author is Denise Lewis Patrick. She had to pack a backpack because her Uncle told her that she can only bring a few things. We thought about what we would take if we had to leave our homes in an emergency. Here is what I would pack:

I added an iPad because I might need it to call or do something on it that I might need and if I leave it it would get broken in the flood. I brought a flashlight so I could see in the dark with it. I got batteries for the flashlight. I brought night vision goggles in case the batteries ran out. I brought my great grandmother’s koala stuffed animal because it was hers. I brought a folder of all my stories I have written, I added chips if I get hungry, I brought an umbrella if it rains, I brought a bar for food, I got a painting of me writing a story that a real painter did. I brought a knife in case I needed to open something or get back into my house. I brought my story box and notebook so they would not get messed up, I brought a picture of my family because I love them, I added a necklace that says my name that my mom gave me for Christmas because it’s special, I brought a water bottle and 15 bottles of water because I might get thirsty, I added an envelope of money and credit cards because I need money, I got a small cooler full of water, apples, grapes, oranges, and some other refrigerated food because I’ll get hungry, I added a picture of my old dogs and my dog because I love them, I added the Jurassic park books I might want to read and they would get messed up, I added jean shorts, and my Jurassic Park shirt for a change of clothes, I added my journal because I like to write, and I added my Jurassic Park blanket in case it gets cold. That is what I would pack and why. 

Picture of my project by me


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