November 2022 archive

Jeep Topia 🦖🚨🚘

(The red car isn’t a Jeep but I couldn’t find anything else.)


By: Lena & Kendall

Once there was an island of Jeeps called Jeep Topia and on that island there was a Jeep dealership. And one night a pack of Raptors attacked the dealership and the dealership had lights because it was night so the Pteranadons came and attacked and that attracted a T.Rex, and the T.Rex attracted the Giganadasaurus. The dinosaurs attacked the people and then they relized that there was dead pig (beacon) in the back of the jeeps so the dinosaurs decided to steel the Jeeps so the dinosaurs took the Jeeps to their homes where the people never go so all the people die of depresion because they couldnt get their precious Jeeps back. 

That was a story that Kendall and I made when we were bored. We didnt know what to do so we decided on making a story about Jeeps and Dinosaurs. We thought it would be interesting because we said what if dinosaurs, Jeeps, pigs, and people all lived on the same island and the people loved the jeeps so much they just couldnt live without them. Then we thought that the story had to have a name so we named it Jeep Topia and made that the name of our Jeep island too. Then we put our knoledge to the test and thought about what we could come up with. It took about a minute of fighting over what it should be about, but we got through it. The way we thought about what to do about it was since I knew a lot about dinosaurs and since Kendall liked pigs and Jeeps we decided to do that!

Kendall :

Halloween!!! 🎃👻🦴🍬

For Halloween two of my friends and I dressed up as the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus. I dressed up as Sarah Sanderson. But that was only for our school costume for my trick-or-treating costume I was Ellie from Jurassic Park. I went to a few Halloween Partysand I got a lot of candy. I did not get the most candy I’ve ever gotten though. It wasn’t the best Halloween but, it was still good.

The girl with the Carolina shirt on was dressing up as our GOAT PE teacher.

Dear Camp Hanes……..

Our school went on an overnight trip to the NC mountains this fall. We wrote thank you notes when we got back. Here is mine:

Dear Camp Hanes, 

    Thank you so much for making Camp Hanes so much fun! My favorite activities were rock climbing and canoeing. It was so fun! Sarah and Bella were so funny! And Luke and Sarah really helped! Cammi was very nice and she explained the rules really well. Kayla was funny.Dinner was awesome! I loved the salad bar too. It was really fun! I think Camp Hanes helped all of us just relax and take a break! I was so bummed that my group did not get to go on the hike. But it was so fun! The rock climbing was scary but it was still super fun! Camp Hanes was so fun overall! I liked how we had breaks in between each activity. The campfire was so fun! I loved roasting marshmallows. Camp Hanes was so fun!



Backpack project

Backpack Description:

Finding Someplace was a story where this girl named Reesie has to go wait out a hurricane with her neighbor and she only has a limited amount of stuff that she can take. The author is Denise Lewis Patrick. She had to pack a backpack because her Uncle told her that she can only bring a few things. We thought about what we would take if we had to leave our homes in an emergency. Here is what I would pack:

I added an iPad because I might need it to call or do something on it that I might need and if I leave it it would get broken in the flood. I brought a flashlight so I could see in the dark with it. I got batteries for the flashlight. I brought night vision goggles in case the batteries ran out. I brought my great grandmother’s koala stuffed animal because it was hers. I brought a folder of all my stories I have written, I added chips if I get hungry, I brought an umbrella if it rains, I brought a bar for food, I got a painting of me writing a story that a real painter did. I brought a knife in case I needed to open something or get back into my house. I brought my story box and notebook so they would not get messed up, I brought a picture of my family because I love them, I added a necklace that says my name that my mom gave me for Christmas because it’s special, I brought a water bottle and 15 bottles of water because I might get thirsty, I added an envelope of money and credit cards because I need money, I got a small cooler full of water, apples, grapes, oranges, and some other refrigerated food because I’ll get hungry, I added a picture of my old dogs and my dog because I love them, I added the Jurassic park books I might want to read and they would get messed up, I added jean shorts, and my Jurassic Park shirt for a change of clothes, I added my journal because I like to write, and I added my Jurassic Park blanket in case it gets cold. That is what I would pack and why. 

Picture of my project by me